Prostatitis drugs: antibiotics, painkillers and antispasmodics

Medicine for treating male prostatitis

Prostatitis tablets are the basic and main treatment for any form of the disease. They help patients recover the fastest, and their scope of action involves every element of disease development.

The main thing to remember when choosing a medicine for prostatitis is that it should be prescribed by a doctor. It is a qualified expert who will consider the interaction between prostatitis tablets and male prescription drugs, and consider the side effects and effects of the drug on the entire human body. The treatment plan will be determined entirely by the individual.

Not only the prostate disease itself can cause pain and psychological discomfort, but also the wrong choice of drugs can also cause harm: cause allergic reactions, impaired reproductive function or insufficient erection, which is one of the symptoms of impotence.

The drugs used for prostatitis are divided into the following main categories, and their intake is carried out in a complex environment:

  • Antibacterial drugs.The first choice for doctors who treat diseases, especially acute diseases. Designed to destroy the pathogen of the disease, the pathogen was discovered based on a laboratory examination of prostate gland secretions. They must freely penetrate the prostate tissue and cause high concentrations of substances in it, so the course of antibiotics is at least 4 weeks. For severe pain, antibacterial drugs can be injected intravenously.
  • Alpha blocker.The prostatitis medicine in this group is prepared for men with urination disorders. They can relax the smooth muscle fibers of the prostate and bladder, relieve sphincter spasm, improve the outflow of urine and semen, reduce the number of impulses, and reduce bladder pressure.
  • Muscle relaxants.Their action is similar to alpha blockers, but they act on the perineal area, which is constantly strengthened during prostatitis. Reduce pressure in the pelvic area and relieve pain.
  • Analgesics.Relieve lower abdominal pain. The dosage must be checked by a doctor.
  • Phytotherapy drugs.Based on natural herbs. They can reduce the edema of the prostate, reduce inflammation, prevent stagnation, and restore the flow of physiological fluids. It is generally believed that products based on pumpkin seeds, trailing palm fruit and Sabah are popular.
  • Hormonal preparations.aims to reduce the level of testosterone, which helps the proliferation of prostate tissue and normalizes the overall hormone background.
  • Calm.Designed for patients who are depressed due to impaired quality of life (including sex life).
  • Vitamins.It is essential for the overall strengthening of the immune system, because diseases and treatment processes themselves weaken the immune system.

Essential medicine for prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia

From a medical point of view, there is no best way to treat prostatitis. This is obvious, because this drug targets one or more causes of the disease and only one form of the disease:

  • If it is an acute bacterial form caused by Escherichia coli bacteria, fluoroquinolol antibacterial drugs are needed.
  • Chronic bacterial formusually heals within a few weeks, because antibiotic treatment is not effective for this form.
  • The non-bacterial form of prostatitisEven taking into account the fact that no infection has been detected, antibiotics are still used for treatment, because experts have determined that the patient’s pain syndrome has been reduced.
The best treatment for prostatitis varies from patient to patient, but it is known from advertisements that there are many drugs, and the most frequently asked in pharmacies is to improve urination and affect the metabolism and microcirculation of the prostate. Usually, they are prescribed to treat chronic prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Prostate adenoma drugs are mainly androgens, which can promote urination by increasing the function of the detrusor muscle.

There are many drugs used to treat prostatitis, including those used to treat prostate adenomas, but it must be remembered that such drugs should only be taken under the guidance of a doctor, so that self-medication does not cause health conditionsdeterioration.